Quinny Casters Challenge 8 – Share your favourite view

I think I’m extremely lucky to live were I do, I am close to the coast and am able to get out into the countryside easily.  Yes there are downsides to living here but the positives far out weigh them.  
This weeks quinnycasters challenge was to share our favourite view.  I’ve actually a few so deciding which to share with you was the only issue I had.  But having thought about it I headed out to the mouth of the local estuary where the river meets the sea.  You can see the town in the distance and can see one of the local beaches on the opposite side of the bay.  You can usually see cars winding their way along the road opposite making their way to their destination.  

Over the years I have spent many hours sitting and watching the boats, people and wildlife here or walking slowly along the pebbled cove just slightly further along form the spot where the photographs below were taken.  The fact a road runs along this part of the coast does not detract from the tranquillity and serenity of the spot.  

I was telling the older children for probably the millionth time that I used to walk my parent’s dogs from my childhood home some two miles away to this spot and the dogs would enjoy splashing in the sea.  I remember one occasion when one of the dogs decided it was a great idea to chase seagulls in the waves, needless to say it was not the ending the dog hoped for! But now I’m procrastinating…  I often bring the children here for a walk at low tide.  There is the local boat club here and a small caravan park.  Sometimes we simply sit in the car and take in what is unfolding around us or chat about our day.  Other times we will stroll along the pebbles and look for different stones.  It’s only three or four miles from our house yet it could be so much further away.  

So this is my favourite view that I have chosen to share with you. 

1 thought on “Quinny Casters Challenge 8 – Share your favourite view

  1. Carie says:

    What a view – definitely one to sit and drink in whenever you get the chance. Lucky you to live so close – I grew up with salt in my blood and now I’m about as far away from the sea as I can get!

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