Reduced sugar strawberry cupcakes with fresh strawberries

It’s no secret that one of my favourite things to do is baking, I love experimenting with recipes and putting my own mark on them.  One of the easiest recipes to experiment with is cake.  The last few weeks I’ve been experimenting with reducing the sugar content without loosing flavour and have made these delicious strawberry cupcakes using fresh strawberries.  They have gone down a treat with the children and dad of 3 so I thought I would share the recipe with you.
Makes 12
4oz Self raising flour
2oz golden caster sugar (you could use caster sugar)
pinch of salt
4oz Stork (baking margarine)
2oz fresh strawberries.
Preheat your oven to 190 o C, 375 o f or Gas Mark 5
Measure out the flour, sugar and stork and place in a food mixer or bowl.  
Add the pinch of salt.
Mix together.
Then wash the strawberries and remove stalks.
Cut strawberries in half and then each half into quarters so you have eight quarters.
Add the cut strawberries into the rest of the mix.
Using a spoon carefully fold the strawberries into the rest of the cake mix.
Using a cake tray place cake cases in each section.
Spoon about a tablespoon full of mixture into each cake case.
Once oven is ready place the cakes in the oven and bake for approximately 20 minutes (may need a few extra minutes for cakes to turn golden brown)
Once cooked remove from oven and allow to cool.  Make sure the cupcakes are cool before you eat as the fresh strawberry pieces will be hot.  Here are the finished cupcakes.
The fresh strawberries work really well in the cupcakes and dad of 3 has said that their like muffins.  I think the next time I make them I will use muffin cases and add more mix to make muffins!  The strawberries add flavour to the cupcakes and are a delicious alternative using fresh fruit.  

I am entering this recipe into a competition with Sprite to make reduced calorie family favouirte meals.

1 thought on “Reduced sugar strawberry cupcakes with fresh strawberries

  1. We made your recipe today! We used gluten free flour and xantham gum and added a bit of goats milk (you need more liquid with gf flour). I didn’t even know you could make cupcakes without egg!
    We enjoyed our cupcakes at homeschool storytime.
    Thanks for sharing, and good luck in the competition!

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