As our family grows we seem to be faced with more problems surrounding storage and fitting everyone into the house. We love where we live at present so moving house isn’t something we want to have to seriously consider. Don’t get me wrong I love house hunting especially viewing side of but the stress that comes with it is something I could do without.
Since Erin arrived last year dad of 3 and I have discussed how we will arrange the house so that we all fit as the children get older. Some of the options we have discussed involve extending the house and others have involved utilising existing space. However the financial commitment involved means that we will have to look seriously at our finances and our ability to get credit. I’m self employed and know that this sometimes can lead to issues with credit rating so one of the first things we will need to do is check my credit report which can be done by visiting this site
I’ve become an avid watcher of programmes like DIY SOS and The Restoration Mangleaning ideas from things I’ve seen. Even dad of 3 occasionally sits down and watches with me. When we first came and viewed the house two years ago we noticed that several of the neighbours had extended their properties and we noted that we potentially could also extend if we ever needed to. We have a large garden with scope to extend without seriously impacting our outdoor space. We currently only have rooms and windows in the rear of the first floor of our dormer bungalow. But there is the possibility of being able to extend the roof at the front and put in sky light windows and create a room across the front. Additionally we could extend at the rear of the property. We could either opt to put something like a conservatory on the back or even a double story extension which would mean we could reconfigure the layout of the first floor and create at least another bedroom.
Another thing to consider is the time it will take to undertake any work and home improvements. Having already invested time and money in improving our kitchen we need to be mindful of not over stretching ourselves and ensuring we can meet any future financial commitments. It’s not something we want to rush into as we want to make sure we do things right.