We’ve had a busy few weeks here, since coming home from Britmums live it’s been quite literally non stop. The beginning of the month saw our youngest son turn four, four how on earth did that happen?! It really doesn’t feel that long since we brought him home from the hospital and introduced him to his two older brothers.
Rowan certainly has kept us on our toes over the last four years, usually because of his mischievous nature has got him into trouble. Dad of 3 has remarked that he is a bit like our cats when they were kittens! too curious, too mischievous and too cute for his own good. He’s one of the smallest in his peer group but he has shown time and time again that this does not hold him back and he is one of the most popular pupils in his class and with the teachers.
He is always looking for something to do and more often than not can be found trying to join in with his older brothers. He has very clear likes and dislikes which made it easy when it came to deciding on birthday gifts for him. We decided to hold a birthday party for him for the first time this year but had to wait a further week after his birthday to hold it at the venue of his choice, the local leisure centre with the bouncy castle. Since his brother’s discovered angry birds over a year ago they have become a firm favourite with Rowan. So dad of 3 and I quickly decided that we would attempt to make an angry birds birthday cake for him between us.
I found a new recipe for Madeira cake to what I usually use and decided to try it out as the cake. Meanwhile dad of 3 spent some time looking at the different angry birds online and ordered in some icing so that he could attempt to recreate some for the cake. So last Friday afternoon I set about making the cake after the school run was complete to enable it to cool in time for dad of 3 to start decorating it for the following day. Unfortunately due to the heat we’re experiencing it took a bit longer than usual for the cake to cool down. After dinner that night dad of 3 started having a go at making the angry birds out of icing.
Then Saturday morning we set about decorating the cake in between the rest of the party preparations and family members arriving for the party. I think you’ll agree the finished result is fantastic and everyone who saw it was thrilled with it, especially Rowan, his brothers and all his little friends.
It looks brilliant 🙂
That’s a brilliant cake – I bet he loved it!