I know most of you will know that we are in the process of making changes to our home. At present it seems to be a constant thing and we have having to adjust our ideas to suit the children and the family’s changing needs. We also have to find solutions that won’t stretch us too far financially. Apart from finding storage solutions and putting in a new kitchen, our main problem is the sleeping arrangements for the children.
Currently two of the boys share one of the larger bedrooms, while one has a box room and Erin sleeps in with myself and dad of 3. However this isn’t an arrangement that can continue for much longer. So we are starting to think about ways around this that do not involve moving or major building work.
The two boys that are currently sharing have bunk beds and they work well. We found a lovely set that has some draws underneath too for their clothes. So if we end up having the three boys sharing for a time looking for a bed which incorporates storage and possibly a desk space would be ideal.
One possibility would be a cabin bed. Cabin beds offer children the opportunity to have their own space while also being able to have somewhere to keep their clothes and in some cases a space to do their homework. I found this lovely Julian Bowen Barcelona style bed which has a pull out desk. It would be perfect as the desk slides back under the bed when not in use.
We are trying to involve the boys when making choices about their bedrooms and while Trystan likes having his own room at present, he spends a great deal of time in his brothers bedroom. So far he does not seem opposed to sharing a room but has asked if he can choose a new bed! So I’ve been letting him have a look on various websites for some he likes.
This so far is one of his favourites, A sweet dreams kipling midsleeper cabin bed
The only downside I can see with it is that it takes up more space than we have available. So it’s back the drawing board for Trystan!
Never one to be left out, Rowan has been enjoying looking through the beds too and not surprisingly he has been drawn to the cabin beds with slides and tents. I have to admit they do look fun but I’m not sure how much sleep would actually happen with such a fun bed!
This post was brought you in partnership with Childrens Bedshop.