From age issues to relationship status queries, there are countless myths about adopting children. Adoption Wales want to set the record straight once and for all in a bid to eliminate any false doubt surrounding the matter. Read on, you could be closer to parenthood than you imagine.
Over 40 years old? You can still adopt
Many people write adoption off as a no-go once they reach middle age believing they have no chance of getting past the selection process simply because of the number of years they’ve been living on this earth. This idea is simply unfounded, anyone who has the capability and desire to provide love, care and support to children is just as likely to receive an admission ticket to the adoption world as the next person.
Not married? You can still adopt
You haven’t got a ring on your finger, so you’ve zilch chance of adopting children, right? Wrong, we’re sensing a theme here. Whether you are married, single or in a relationship your application to adopt will not be curbed just because of your relationship status. Go forth single pringle, the adoption agency are waiting!
Homosexual? You can still adopt
Adoption is 100% open to homosexuals and despite the myths, you don’t have to go down the route of a specialist agency just to get acknowledged. Every adoption agency worth their salt welcomes applications from homosexuals, you have exactly the same rights to adopt as heterosexuals.
When you adopt a child, the biological parents rights are transferred to you
Perhaps you are under the impression that when you adopt a child, the child won’t take on your name and you won’t have the same rights as their biological parents. The truth is, when an adoption order is granted any child you adopt will take on your name and the rights of their biological parents will cease to exist.
You can adopt children of any ethnic origin
Believe it or not, this is a commonly contested question on adoption forums as many applicants come to believe they will not be able to adopt a child who has a different ethnic background to their own. This is yet another myth.No matter what your ethnic background is, you have the same rights to adopt, so long as it’s in the child’s best interests.
Author Note: Adoption Wales are a Welsh adoption agency who are committed to uniting children with adoptive parents, allowing each party to achieve their dream of a happy family life. Visit the website to find and contact your nearest agency.