Seeking a Sponsor to help me attend Britmums Live 2014

Last year saw me attending Britmums Live for the first time thanks to Coca Cola who very kindly sponsored me.  Attending Britmums Live was something I had wanted to do since I started blogging in 2011.  It was the first opportunity I had had to actually meet the lovely bloggers that I had grown to know since I joined the blogging community.  It was a chance to learn new skills, meet fantastic brands and emerge myself in the community that I have felt such a part of. 
I took Erin along with me and she helped me through the experience along with some lovely bloggers I am proud to call friends.  However having Erin meet there meant I couldn’t attend all the seasons I really wanted to as I had to ensure she was entertained and content.  
This year I would very much love to be able to attend Britmums Live again.  This year I will be going on my own, this is something that actually makes me feel quite sick at the thought as I’ve not really been anywhere without one of the children with me since becoming a mother nine and a half years ago.  So making the five hour plus journey to London on my own is something that will be both daunting but also quite liberating this year.  Something I feel is important for me to do, to get a bit of ‘me’ back if that makes sense.  
I would love to be able to attend more sessions to help me grow Mum of 3 Boys, to learn new skills and also to have the opportunity to meet the lovely bloggers again whom I would otherwise not have the chance to meet.  
So I am seeking a sponsor to help me realise my wish to attend Britmums Live this year.  So here is what I am looking for:
  • The cost of travel by train from West Wales to London and back again (approx £90) this may be lower the sooner I book the tickets. 
  • Accommodation close to the Britmums Live venue (The Brewery)  £172.80

In return for sponsorship I am offering:

  • ·  A badge / advert on the homepage of my blog for a period of 12 months with a direct link to the Company website. 
  •  A post introducing the company as my Brit Mums Live Sponsor including direct links
  •  The Company name mentioned in all my posts, tweets and mentions of Brit Mums Live on all the social media platforms I use
  •   To review any products or services that you feel would benefit from a blogger review 
  • I can host giveaways/competitions for the brand on my blog which will increase awareness of your Company
  •   I will add your name & logo advertising you as my sponsor on all business cards I will give out whilst at the event along with any other event i attend over the 12 months period.
  •   I will wear any t-shirt/clothing that advertises the Company that are provided in my size (however full on fancy dress is not acceptable!)

I am happy to discuss any requirements you have and am happy to tailor the package offered to meet your needs.  So if you would like to discuss sponsorship please get in touch and email me on   


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