A couple of weeks ago we were sent a lovely 10th Anniversary copy of Oliver Jeffers How to Catch a Star. I can’t believe it’s been 10 years since this delightful book was published. I remember my parents buying Luc a copy for his first birthday and it has been enjoyed over and over again over the years.
We’ve now got a lovely collection of Oliver Jeffers books but How to Catch a Star has to be our favourite one. Over the years the boys have added their own names to replace the boy in the story and have loved doing this. I personally enjoy Oliver Jeffers lovely illustrations they are sort of innocent and the words of the story fit. I can’t help but smile whenever I read this story to the boys and Erin. The 10th Anniversary copy is a hardback book but contains all the charms that we have come to love.
The story is about a little boy who loved stars so much that he decided he wanted one of his own. The story follows the boy as he attempts to catch his very own star. A story about determination, disappointments and achievements. Oliver Jeffers captures the feelings so well with both the illustrations and the text.
I hope we will continue to enjoy this lovely story for years to come.
If you would like to buy a copy of the 10th Anniversary How to Catch a Star you can do so by visiting Amazon here
I have very kindly been given a copy to giveaway to one lucky follower. To be in with a chance of winning it all you need to do is complete the rafflecopter form below.
Good Luck
The Gruffalo!
Pip and Posy – my son loves the books at mo
(kim neville)
If I get a choice it’s Winnie the Pooh, but I must know the Gruffalo and the Gruffalo’s Child off by heart!
The Twits
Hairy mcClarey books
the gruafflo
Both my boys like the Secret Seven Series
oops – Spencer Broadley, s.broad@hotmail.co.uk
The Gruffalo x
the dinosaur who pooped the world!
Mr Greedy
the hungry caterpillar
olga carpenter
my grandaughter loves anything with dinosaurs x
The gruffalo
Three Billy Goats Gruff
the gruffalo
you by emma dodd
The gruffalo
reading the gruffalo to my daughter at the moment
the gruffalo
Pamela says – Winnie the Pooh
chimp and zee 🙂
My Son loves a book called Babapapa and my daughters favourite is Sleeping Beauty!
The stickman
The very ticklish tiger
The Gruffalo
We are making them up at the moment and I am running low on ideas
The Smartest Giant in Town
the wishing powder
Currently Room on a Broom 🙂
Famous Five
george’s marvellous medicine. My daughter loves it.
the jolly postman
cat in the hat and the lorax
Suzys Shoes
The Hungry Caterpillar
The Gruffalo
That’s not my baby!
Kiss Goodnight Sam
goldilocks and the 3 bears
The Littlenose books
braer rabbit (excuse spelling!)
Georges marvelous medicine ~ Roald Dahl
Winnie the Pooh
The Gruffalo
Mr Tickle
Princess Poppy
At the minute it’s Dear Zoo 🙂
My son loves The Gruffalo
the cat in the hat
my daughter has the Disney around the world series that she loves
we bought our grandson the whole collection of Disney classic tales, he loves snow white and the seven dwarfs
The Gruffalo
greens egg and ham 🙂
winnie teh Pooh
Hugless Douglas
the hungry caterpillar
monkey puzzle
The Gruffalo
the gruffalo
my little one loves the Gruffalo so much xxx
So many to choose! The Gruffalo
Gruffalo – they love it!
We’re Going On A Bear Hunt
At the moment my little girl loves Peace at Last by Jill Murphy
This is our fave at the mo http://www.amazon.co.uk/Love-My-Mummy-Giles-Andreae/dp/1408309572
The Hungry Carepillar
At the moment it’s the Worst Witch
My youngest loves Dr. Suess Green Eggs and Ham
My 3 year old has the very hungry caterpillar every night and my 1 year old has the gruffolos child x
It’s a sweet little book called “ten chirpy chicks” x