For the last eighteen months our kitchen has been nothing short of a mess! We knew when we moved in almost three years ago that we would have to reconfigure the kitchen to make it work for us. So in January last year we embarked upon our kitchen renovation project.
We had hoped to have completed the work within a year but for various reasons we’re only half way through. As a family of six we’ve also come to realise that we need a lot of room in an oven for cooking meals. I’ve always wanted a range and the house we rented prior to buying our current home had one. The time we were ranting the house it was in proved that the range style of oven really does work for large families. So when we moved a single oven was left in the house. But within the first week we realised we needed a range style oven again. Then last January dad of 3 found a double oven that fitted what we needed perfectly and even better it was included in the January sales. Once installed a couple of weeks later it made such a difference.
Having three sons means that at least one of them is always hungry so I tend to do a lot of baking in order to make sure there is always something to satisfy their appetite. Having a double oven means that I can have a tray of cakes or biscuits in the oven at the same time as a meal is cooking. This also means we’re conserving electricity which is always a good thing.
At the moment we have managed to replace just over half the kitchen units we need too from the existing ones but too complete the storage we need to remove the radiator and replace it with an upright slimmer one which will enable us to utilise another wall for cupboards and an additional work surface. We’ve spent a lot of time trying to decide on the kind of doors we want on the cupboards and have decided that until we have all the cupboards in place we will not buy the doors in case they become discontinued. At present we like these modern gloss finished units with the curved edges. I have to admit it is quite strange having cupboards with no doors on at present and means I have had to pack away a lot of breakables until we have doors but in the long run it will be worth it to have our perfect kitchen.
Some of my favourite things in our kitchen have to be my stereo, my shiny new red kettle which I now have to ensure other small appliances match with! and of course my double oven.
One appliance I would be lost without though is our dishwasher, it’s a godsend at the end of the day. With having limited space in the kitchen at present, the dishwasher enables us to load dirty plates etc throughout the day freeing up valuable space. Sometimes the dishwasher is filled twice a day if I’ve been baking but usually it’s just the once.
We have a big window in our kitchen and I have a perfect view of the back garden from there, which means that even when I am busy in the kitchen I can keep an eye on the children and watch them playing. You’ll have to excuse the dirty window though! the boys decided to wash them during a recent water fight!
I hope that when the renovation work is finally completed the kitchen will see many a family meal, the walls will echo with laughter and a few tears and hold the memories of our family as to me the kitchen is part of the heart of a family.
Hope you make loads of fabulous memories once the renovation is complete. Thanks for sharing your story. Commenting for myself and on behalf of BritMums and thanking you for taking part