A fortnight ago we were lucky enough to have the opportunity to spend two nights in Tenby. So on the Friday evening myself, the four children and my mum headed the forty minutes into Pembrokeshire to Tenby.
The trip had come about quite short notice but the children were excited about the prospect of a seaside stay non the less. We haven’t visited Tenby for a while, we used to stay in one of the caravan sites on the South side of the town when my mother in law owned a caravan but that was three years ago now. So we were all keen to explore the town and spend some time on the beach. I had promised the boys we would have a fish and chip supper on the beach when we arrived.
We arrived at around 6.30pm and once we had checked in and taken our things to our room we headed straight out to look for a fish and chip shop. The weather forecast was a bit dubious for the weekend with thunder and lightening and torrential rain but we planned to make the most of it. It didn’t take us long to locate one and with supper in hand we headed down onto the North Beach. We hadn’t visited the North Beach previously so it was nice to sit and watch others on the beach while we ate before heading on to it ourselves.
Tenby’s North beach is a large expanse of sand with the towns harbour nestled into the lower part for the town with it’s iconic brightly coloured buildings, something that makes Tenby a picture postcard seaside town. We were lucky enough to have an outstanding view of it from our hotel room too.
The boys quickly spotted a large rock in the middle of the beach and headed off towards it, true to form they couldn’t resist climbing it!
We spent a good hour and a half walking along the beach and the children clambering over the various rocks. Even Erin tried to follow her brothers! There were quite a few other people enjoying the beach yet the vastness of the beach meant we had plenty of space to run, climb and enjoy ourselves. As the weather turned colder and dark clouds rolled in we headed back towards the harbour and up a slipway where we walked along passed the old Lifeboat station and back up the path towards our hotel.
The following day we headed into the town to explore before getting caught in a light shower. We came across the town’s soft play centre where we decided to spend an hour in the hope the rain would pass. Thankfully when we emerged just that had happened and the sun was shining. We pottered along the cobbled streets of the old town where we managed to get Trystan’s hair cut before heading to an ice cream parlour for a treat.
After a couple of hours spent relaxing and enjoying the hotels swimming pool and game’s room we decided to head on to the beach again for a walk before dinner, as we would be heading home the following morning. The draw of the large rock in the middle of the beach proved too much for the boys and they headed straight there. Once we caught up we explored some little rock pools around it’s edge and drew our names in the sand. We certainly built up an appetite by the time we had finished our walk.
On the Sunday morning we had breakfast and loaded the car to head home. My mum suggested we paid a visit to Saundersfoot which not far away and as neither myself or my mum had been before decided it would be nice to go. We managed to find a parking space quiet easily and wasted no time at all heading on to the beach. We had to get home for lunch which Dad of 3 was cooking which meant our time was limited.
Another beach with an expanse of sand and a harbour to one side. There was a bit of activity around the harbour so we decided to head in the opposite direction. It was lovely to be able to let the boys run off their energy while myself and my mum strolled along with Erin. Along the top of Saundersfoot beach are various houses backing out onto the beach, such a lovely thing to have as your back garden. Just outside the gardens of the houses the beach starts quite rocky and full of pebbles but then you hit the sand. Erin was fascinated by the little shells we kept passing and periodically stopped to pick some up.
By the time we reached the car park again it was full and the beach was filling up too. The boys weren’t ready to leave so they reluctantly returned to the car. I think we will have to return soon with dad of 3 to enjoy these two beaches more. We truly had made the most of having a mini break by the sea and had discovered two fantastic beaches in the process.
It sounds like you had a nice short break and made the most of the lovely beaches along the way too. Thanks for linking up and sharing your fun with Country Kids.
we did and were lucky with the weather despite the forecast 🙂