This week has been the first week of the Summer holidays and we’ve packed a lot in already. My aim is to make sure we get out in the fresh air for at least an hour a day and so far we’ve managed it although towards the end of the week there was a bit of moaning from Trystan! So here’s what we’ve been up to this week.
Sunday 20th July 2014:
Earlier in the week I had heard about a Flea Market being held at the Small World Theatre in town and thought it would be fun to pop along and see what was on offer. So this morning along with Luc, Trystan and my mum we headed along. There was a really nice atmosphere as soon as we arrived and we enjoyed a browse around and some cookies! I bought these gorgeous flowers and they smell divine.
Monday 21st July 2014:
This morning we walked into town along the new road, all away along we could hear lots of grasshoppers chirping. The boys spent ages trying to find one and after about twenty minutes they spotted on taking a break on the path.
Tuesday 22nd July 2014:
This afternoon we headed into the Secondary School field with a rug, ball, binoculars and magnify glasses in the hope of spotting bugs. Erin was the most enthusiastic and spent half an hour examining the grass, leaves and everything else. After drinks and snacks we ran around playing football for forty minutes before heading home for a well deserved ice lolly.
Wednesday 23rd July 2014:
This morning I decided we were going to walk to the Wildlife Park from town. It’s a lovely walk along the river with various bird hides along it. So once my minded child arrived we jumped in the car and headed out. It was another glorious day and we passed several people along the path. At the end of the path we were at the car park for the Wildlife park and headed up passed the visitor centre to the play area beyond. We had the play area to ourselves for a good half an hour and the children loved climbing and playing. Since we had visited last there were some new additions in the form of these fantastic sculptures. This one had a little window and mirrors inside for the children to climb into.
Thursday 24th July 2014:
Today we paid a visit to the Dyfed Shire Horse Farm with Jigso Children’s centre. We all had a lovely couple of hours enjoy tractor and trailer rides, climbing frames, go carts and the animals. One of the first outbuildings we went into had a cart in it and the boys couldn’t wait to climb up and sit in it! We managed a good three hours before deciding we were too hot and headed home.
Friday 25th July 2014:
Today was so hot and I decided it wouldn’t be wise to go out walking with the children today so we spent some time in the shade in the garden instead. Then when dad of 3 returned from work and I had finished work we finally pulled our paddling pool out of the garage. Once cleaned and filled the children and dad of 3 jumped in to cool off while I sat with a large bowl of ice cream dipping my feet in!
Saturday 26th July 2014:
We had a bit of respite from the intense heat we’ve had the last few days today. It was overcast and a nice light breeze. So I decided to take advantage and cut the back garden and then with a little help from Trystan we put our gazebo up. Really I should have put it up before but hadn’t had the opportunity. I emptied the play balls into one of the small paddling pools and put a picnic rug down along with Erin’s slide and hey presto a lovely shady area for the children to play.
That sculpture is really cool! Bit jealous of your paddling pool in this heat, we don’t have space for one.