A couple of months ago I was very kindly sent a Difrax B to B Breast Pump and Difrax S-bottle warmer to try out. Sadly I stopped breastfeeding Erin before I had the chance to give them ago. However from everything I read and from looking at the pump and warmer myself I am extremely impressed by them.
Over the last ten years I have tried numerous breast pumps and bottle warmers but the Difrax B to B Breast Pump is by far the most innovative one I have come across and I am sad that I didn’t have the opportunity to try it for myself. It’s a very inconspicuous breast pump to use and is hands free so you can pump and carry on with your work/task while the pump does all the hard work for you. The Difrax B to B pump features a clever shell which can be placed underneath your bra so that you do not have to expose your breast. The bottle which collects your milk in can be placed on a table or sofa while you work. The pump can be powered by either mains electricity or via batteries making this a pump that can be used virtually anywhere. The pump is also easy to clean after use. The tubes can be sterilised using a Difrax microwave steraliser or they can be flushed with water.
he Difrax S-Bottle warmer uses an innovative method to warm the breast milk and formula from within. This is all thanks to the heating element in the S-bottle. Once the milk reaches the ideal temperature of 37 o centigrade the S-Bottle Warmer switches off automatically. The warmer is compact and can be stood anywhere and is ideal for keeping besides your bed at night. At just the press of a button, milk is warmed to the safe breastfeeding temperature within 3 minutes and then it is ready for baby. The S-bottle is currently the best dutch selling baby bottle and has a patented anti-colic system which helps to reduce stomach cramps, spitting and burping.
Difrax was founded in 1967 and is the Dutch A-brand for baby products. The company is respected internationally as one of the major players in the market for bottles and dummies. This year the Difrax S-bottle warmer received the Red Dot Award for Product Design 2014. For further information you can visit www.difrax.com
As I was unable to try out these fantastic products I have kindly been given permission to offer them as a prize to one lucky follower. To be in with a chance of winning all you need to do is complete the form below.
Good Luck
Difax B to B Breast Pump and Difrax S-Bottle Warmer
Win competitions at ThePrizeFinder.com – See more at: http://www.theprizefinder.com/content/dilfrax-b-b-breast-baby-breast-pump-and-dilfrax-s-bottle-warmer#sthash.YJVDYnDw.dpuf
Relax and drink plenty of fluids.
As difficult as it is, try not to stress over it, and by no means be embarrassed
Fabulous prize x
Relax, aim to get sufficient rest, nutrition, fluids and exercise etc. Take care of yourself, appreciate what support is offered, whilst letting people know what is helpful. Sometimes assistance e.g. with shopping, meals etc. Yet at other times some privacy, peace and quiet.
Looks easy way to travel and still stock up as we have a mini fridge in the car.
Try and relax and not get embarrassed by onlookers
Give it a go and if it is not for you then don’t feel guilty – at least you tried x
Try not to be so hard on yourself, it is really hard!
Looks like it would make it less stressful to express milk and its so clever, expressing milk options have come along way 🙂
Try to relax and actually enjoy the experience as you bond with the baby.
stock up before you go
Get some sealable bags for the milk if you’re going to freeze it, they take up much less space than the pots! My wife is on to pregnancy number 3 (TWINS!!) at the moment, the 2 breast pumps she has had previously have broken down on her so this would be a godsend!
Only advice is to make sure you’re as relaxed as you can be.
Take your time x
Be confident! You’re doing to best and most natural thing you can do for your child
Try to keep calm .x
Make sure you drink plenty of water, relax, and know that it gets easier the longer you do it!!!!
Always try and dont work yourself up
relax and listen yourself
relax, drink plenty and eat a healthy diet
Don’t get upset if breastfeeding is difficult or impossible.You are not a failure,you have just produced a beautiful new baby which is your biggest achievement ever.
I don’t have any children but would love to win this prize for charity, to go to Romania.
Well, I am not due till January but I have heard rest when baby does and eat and drink well:)
Look after yourself its easy to get caught up in making sure everything is done and neglect yourself. But remember baby needs you strong and well, so take half a hour each day put your feet up and relax
Don’t let others make you feel guilty if it dosn’t work out for you
Make sure you are eating and drinking plenty during the day to keep your stocks up – if you dont have enough for yourself you wont be able to make milk for baby.
Try to get into a routine of taking phone of hook or at least getting it beside you, have a drink and maybe a snack to hand, this way when you sit down to feed, you wont get disturbed so easily and have better chance to relax!
sit or lay down what ever feels best for you and baby, the main thing is to relax, if you can relax, the milk will flow and flow!
lastly, if you can, enjoy it, baby wont be doing this forever!
pump extra milk and keep it in the fridge for hungry times, my son seems hungry more in the evening when my supply is low
Don’t be afraid to ask others for advice .. especially grandma.
Enjoy the bonding with your baby, if your nice and relax chances are the milk will flow and baby will be happy, these are such pericous times with your little one and should be enjoyed as much as you can
Keep at it no matter how hard it is at the begin
The best time to do it is when you feel relaxed. Expressing milk is much easier at the time.
Don’t feel pressured into thinking its suppose to come naturally.