With Erin having started Meithrin this last week and Rowan moving into his first year in Primary School it’s dawned on me how quickly they grow up. I’ve had a couple of mornings this week to reflect on how quickly the last few years have flown and it made me realise that we should embrace every moment of our children’s lives and especially the early years.
I’ve made a start on sorting out Erin’s baby toys and clothes as well in the last week or two. Sadly we don’t have the space to store too many things which means I am now passing on things of use to others. As sentimental as it sounds there are memories attached to pieces of clothing and it’s hard to part with them. Dad of 3 thinks I’m silly but I don’t think so. I’ve decided to be sensible and only keep the odd item of clothing like the children’s coming home outfits and maybe a favourite toy.
One of the reasons I started writing Mum of 3 Boys was to help document our family life, so I’m lucky that I have lots of photographs which are full memories. With Erin being our last child I’ve realised that enjoying every moment with them is so important. I remember saying with the boys I wanted to enjoy every moment of them growing up but with Erin the realisation that she will be my last baby has made this even more important.
Those precious moments when you can simply sit and cuddle your child while he or she sleeps really is something to be savoured because all to soon they will be too big to do this with. Sometimes it’s hard to embrace moments when we’re ill or tired or simply having a bad day but even these time should be embraced, their what shapes us and are memories too. Even now after a particularly bad day I like to go into the children’s rooms while their sleeping and it all slips away.
I found these collages I did of Erin over the her first year and just can’t believe how she has grown. She has suddenly become so independent and ready for meithrin. I’m glad we still have our afternoons to enjoy some special time together.
Fairy are encouraging mums to embrace every moment with their #PowerofSoft campaign and enjoy your child’s preschool years.
Disclaimer- This post is brought to you in association with Fairy and Tots100
Aww how sweet. xx