Once upon a time’s are brought to life with Not on the Highstreet’s Story Time Sounds

For the last week we have been having fun bringing stories to life using Not on the High Street’s Story Time Sounds app.   Story time is something we all enjoy here and I was curious to see how the children would react to sound effects been added in to the stories.

not on the highstreet sound appDad of 3 and I decided not to tell the children we were going to use the sound effects on the first evening to see how they reacted.  So at bedtime dad of 3 gathered the children together ready to start the story.  Once all the children were ready I quietly sat on the stairs outside the bedroom out of sight ready to use the sound effects.  The story was Funnybones, perfect for Halloween.  I let dad of 3 start reading the story waiting to hear him mention words like “door” and “skeleton” so that I could set the sound effects off.  The first effect I used was the creaking door and I peeped round the bedroom door to see if I could see how the children reacted.  They didn’t mention anything to start with but looked slightly puzzled and kept looking around as if trying to work out where the sound was coming from.  It was quite hard not to giggle to be honest.  By the time I had used the sound effects for a fourth time Luc and Trystan realised I was behind the sounds so I went to join them on the bed and continued to use the sound effects.   At the end of the story they boys all wanted to have a turn playing with the story sound effects.  So we spent a good ten minutes trying all the sounds out much to their delight. 

The Not on the High Street’s Story Time Sounds app is available from the app store and is free to download.  The app has six different story effects to choose from, Halloween, Monsters, Fairytales, Pirates, Lost World and Space.  Each story has nine different sound effects for you to use to help bring your stories to live.  The app is so easy to use and even children can have a go at using it.  The boys and Erin have all taken turns this week trying it out and have thoroughly enjoyed being able to bring story time to live. 

noths1One of the favourite story effects apart from the Halloween one which is being used several times a day at present! is the Fairytale one.  Erin especially is enjoying this one and loves the spell sound.  We’re certainly going to continue using this fun app and the boys are currently writing their own stories to use the sound effects with.

So which story would you like to bring to life with the Not on the High Street’s Story Time Sounds app?

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