Find the Perfect Gift Using the Christmas Gift Finder and Win a £25 Amazon Voucher

find a gift

It’s that time of year when everyone is starting their Christmas shopping and ticking them off the list.  But do you have someone your not sure what to buy for?  I have this problem almost every year and find it hard to come up with new gift ideas.  But now there is no need to worry any more since I discovered the Christmas Gift Finder.

This easy to use Christmas Gift Finder helps you find some fun gifts for your family, friends and work colleagues.  Just select the person your buying from using the body parts, head, body and feet.  Each of which will have different attributes attached to them.    Here’s one that I did.

find a gift 1

I used the Glamourous Head, Fashionista body and Socialite Feet then waited a few seconds to see that 57 presents had been found.  Then you simply press the View button and your taken to a page with all the present suggestions on for you.  Each present is linked to the website where you can buy the gift.  There are some fantastic suggestions, some of which I would never have thought of myself and they suit a range of budgets.

I have to admit I had fun playing around with the different bodies to see what suggestions I would get! But the best bit is the Christmas Gift Finder is completely free to use making it a great tool to help you through your present buying this Christmas.

If that wasn’t enough the lovely people at Christmas Gift Finder are going to give one of my readers a £25 amazon voucher.  Perfect for helping you buy some of those present suggestions. 

To be in with a chance of winning the £25 amazon voucher all you need to do is help spread the word about Christmas Gift finder and complete the rafflecopter form below to show you’ve helped.

Good Luck


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43 thoughts on “Find the Perfect Gift Using the Christmas Gift Finder and Win a £25 Amazon Voucher

  1. Tracy Nixon says:

    Fabulous thank you!

  2. jayne hall says:

    followed on bloglovin

  3. stacy sorrell says:

    following on bloglovin as stacy sorrell

  4. Fab giveaway, do come and share it on my November Competition Time Linky if you have a sec.

  5. Rishona Taylor says:

    followed bloglovin- Rishona Taylor

  6. Zoe Roxby says:

    seriously would help with the total of my basket on there. Shared on facebook will leave link in rafflecopter as this keeps saying its spam

    1. Zoe Roxby says:

      Sorry meant to put twitter oops!

  7. Natalie White says:

    I follow on Bloglovin as Natalie White 🙂

  8. teresa sheldon says:

    have shared on facebook brilliant site

  9. Elizabeth Williams says:

    follow on bloglovin

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