Every since Rowan first saw Tree Fu Tom on CBebbies he has been enthralled by Tom’s adventures. So when we were sent Tree Fu Tom’s new DVD – Tom’s Big Spell, recently Rowan was so pleased. We had to put the DVD on straight away to stop him asking constantly to watch it!
I have to admit even I sat and watched the DVD with the children and had to giggle when even the older two jumped up and started copying Tom’s spell moves. We must have watched the DVD at least three times a week since it arrived.
Tree Fu Tom – Tom’s Big Spell is available from all good dvd retailers now (released on October 6th) and is perfect for Halloween fun for all Tree Fu Tom fans. With seven magical stories, “Tom is off to the castle for an exciting day at Spell School with Treetog. A drop of Magic Motion Potion brings some familiar objects to life but Tom finds the new spell quite hard to master. A flying book, a naughty broomstick and Zigzoo’s wagon run riot around Treetopolis when they become enchanted. Tom needs you to help him perform Big World Magic to restore calm to Treetopolis”. (taken from press release)
I have very kindly been given a copy of Tom’s Big Spell to giveaway to one lucky reader. To be in with a chance of winning all you need to do is complete the rafflecopter form below.
Good Luck
Win competitions at ThePrizeFinder.com – See more at: http://www.theprizefinder.com/content/tree-fu-tom-toms-big-spell-dvd#sthash.iqlerCmg.dpuf
We like Ariela 🙂 thank you for the giveaway x
My son’s favourite is Tom.
I think Twigs is cute!
It has to be Tom!
Follow on blog lovin Jo welsh
Tom is definitely our favourite
Got to be Ariela 🙂
My kiddies love Tom. x
Tom is out household fav
Tom is our favourite character.
My boys like Twigs
It’s Tom in our house
It has to be Tom himself
twigs is our favourite
our fav is tom =) lovely giveaway
Has to be Twigs. He is so cute.
Twigs is great & my fave!
Its got to be tom
My grandson’s favourite in Tom
My grandsons love Tom
It has to be Tom!
We all love the character Twigs
My Daughter loves Ariela, but my son wants to be Tom!!!
It has to be Twigs
Ariela 😀 😀
Oh, i just got told my comment wasn’t useful! 😮
tom in our house
we like Tom! xx
my grandaughters fave is Tom!!
Twigs he is so cute
my nephew really likes twigs
It would have to be Tom!
my son likes tom
Twigs is cute!!
Both myself and my son love Tom.
my grandson loves twigs
Grandson likes Tom the best
My son’s favourite character is Tom
Tom himself! or ariela 🙂
tom himself, or ariela!
we love Ariela x
Tom of course 🙂
Our fav is Twigs
Tom is our favourite
We love Ariela in our house 🙂
Naturally ithas to be Tom 🙂 x
My daughter and I like twigs
Twigs is our favourite in this house.
Would have to be Tom
Tom is our favourite!
My son likes Tom
Treetog The Tree Spirit.
My grandson loves Tom 🙂
ours is def tom
Me and my daughter love ZigZoo, she likes frogs. x
Has to be Tom, as my little man loves copying his special moves
We like Ariela 🙂
It has to be Tom.
Favourite here is Ariella
My sons like Twigs x
Favourite is Tom himself
My son loves Twigs 🙂
My sons fav is Tom
We like Tom the best!
The boys love Tom but me I like Zigzoo – a mad crazy inventor – not all my creations work out I expect either 😉
My son Tom’s favourite is Tom! Lol
We like Tree Fu Tom
my little boy loves tom the best
Tom is our fave 🙂
tom 🙂 he’s the best
our favourite is tom
ariella our favorite
It has to be Tom!
Twigs is deffo the top man. The favourite in our family.
My son loves Twigs
We like Tom, he is our fave!
Twigs, but the 1st 1 not the new 1
My daughter likes Twigs, she thinks he’s funny!
It has to be Tom for us!
Ariela is our favourite 🙂
It has to be Ariella
Twigs is our favourite.
we love tom 🙂 xx