Project 365 – Weeks 47 and 48

As you’ve probably realised I’ve slipped behind slightly on my Project 365 posts.  This is mainly due to being so busy lately.  However I didn’t stop taking photographs.  So now I am playing catch up over the last few weeks.  So as not to bore you all with one huge post I’ve decided to break it down, so I now have a couple of posts.

Sunday 16th November 2014

319aWith the weather now turning colder, the children are spending less time out in the garden in favour of walks to the park or wildlife centre.  So this means that the chickens can now have some free range fun!  They have a really good sized enclosure as it is but during the winter months we let them into the main garden several times a week.  Today the girls got to free range for the first time in  months. 

Monday 17th November 2014

320Today I decided to attempt gingerbread men for the first time in years.  Needless to say they didn’t last long at all once dad of 3 and the children spotted them! So I think it’s safe to say they were a hit!

Tuesday 18th November 2014

321Granny found this very sweet Mrs Claus outfit in one of the local charity shops today for Erin.  As soon as Erin saw it she insisted on trying it on and wore it for the rest of the day!  We had a few strange looks on the afternoon school run!

Wednesday 19th November 2014

322aThe last few weeks have seen me take a break from Bento style lunches for Rowan, mainly due to being so busy.  But Rowan has started asking for his special lunches again so today I made an effort to start preparing his lunches the night before again which also gives me an extra five minutes to put them together. 

Thursday 20th November 2014

323The last week I have noticed Erin spending more time playing with her dolls house.  This evening she spent almost an hour playing with it and I watched as she found other toys around the playroom and took them back to use with the dolls house.  The boys each in turn went to see what she was doing and she refused to let them join in as she’d usually do.

Friday 21st November 2014

324The evenings have become a little bit colder the last two days so the heating has been turned on for an hour each evening.  Kitty seems to be appreciating the heat and has taken to sleeping on a beanbag next to the radiator.  Something tells me she’s comfortable!

Saturday 22nd November 2014

325Today was a day for catching up on chores and relaxing.  We’ve a very busy couple of weeks ahead of us so I’m trying to be organised and keep on top of things.  Kitty seemed to think it was funny to jump out of anything she could and make me jump!  The boys thought it was amusing every time I squealed as she jumped out at me!  

Sunday 23rd November 2014

326 sun 23 novThis afternoon the younger two enjoyed some time playing the the Dinosaur Train characters we’d been sent to review.  Having seen a couple of episodes lately they thought these interactive toys were great fun.

Monday 24th November 2014

327.mon 24 novToday we made a start on our Christmas crafts.  Salt dough was first and we spent almost an hour and a half cutting out shapes before popping them in a low oven to dry out.

Tuesday 25th November 2014

328 tues 25 novOrigami Stars were today’s craft and we had lots of fun making them out of different Christmas designed papers.

Wednesday 26th November 2014


I’ve spent so much time on Pinterest the last few evening, looking for various craft ideas for Christmas.  The children decided they wanted to make Christmas tree’s today so having seen a craft using craft sticks I decided we’d give it ago. 

Thursday 27th November 2014

330 thurs 27 novThis evening saw the town’s Christmas lights been turned on.  Trystan sang with the school choir and I took the other three along to hear them sing.  It was lovely to hear the children sing.  We made a quick dash to a local chip shop to pick up dinner before heading home to enjoy it and then back out for Cubs less than an hour later! Needless to say we all slept well that night!

Friday 28th November 2014

331 fri 28 novAfter the morning school run I called in to see my parents for a cup of tea.  I arrived to find their dog Charlie sitting on the back of one of the sofa’s! Something the cat’s usually do!  Charlie seemed to be enjoying his new spot while the cats watched from across the room.

Saturday 29th November 2014

332 28 novToday we decided to make a start on our Christmas lights.  For year’s I’ve wanted to have proper outdoor lights but dad of 3 has said no for various reasons.  Last year we attempted to use Solar Powered lights but they’ll didn’t work very well due to lack of light so I was very excited when dad of 3 agreed to us getting some outdoor lights.  The children were very excited and they looked lovely when it got dark. 

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