Sunday 30th November 2014
I can’t believe it’s the end of November all ready! the last fortnight has been so busy and I know the next few weeks are going to be the same if not worse. This afternoon while watching a film with the children I had a go at making Christmas Tree’s using buttons. I think they look really sweet and were relatively easy to make.
Monday 1st December 2014
The children came downstairs this morning to discover a door had appeared overnight on the mantlepiece. It could only mean one thing …. Noel the Elf was coming back but there was no sign of him this morning. But when the children returned from school there was a package waiting for them and inside was Noel and some treats along with a letter from Father Christmas.
Tuesday 2nd December 2014
Today while the children were in school we made a start on putting the Christmas tree up. Then when they got home they helped to finish dressing it.
Wednesday 3rd December 2014
When the children got up this morning Noel was waiting with some Christmas Gingerbread shapes for them to enjoy after school. The children love looking for Noel every morning to see if they can find him.
Thursday 4th December 2014
This morning Noel had brought the children a dvd to watch. I loved The Box of Delights when I was younger so couldn’t wait to see what the boys made of it. So after dinner we sat down to start watching it. The boys thoroughly enjoyed it and we watched three episodes.
Friday 5th December 2014
This evening I made a start on putting up the Christmas lights in the window. These lovely lights were given to us by the LED Store to review and I think they look lovely in the window and compliment the other lights. There’s something quite calming yet magical about fairy lights don’t you think?!
Saturday 6th December 2014
Noel seems to have been shopping overnight and brought the children all a treat and a note to remind them to be good! We spent the day in Cardiff doing some Christmas shopping and managed to get nearly everything we wanted. A productive day all in all.
Sunday 7th December
An afternoon spent rehearsing for Panto today for Luc and myself. I can’t believe it’s just under a fortnight until opening day! Unfortunately late tonight I came down with the dreaded sickness bug that’s doing the rounds locally.
After been really quite ill overnight I was so grateful that dad of 3 had a day off and could take care of the children while I stayed in bed to recover. After school the boys busied themselves with some crafts.
Tuesday 9th December 2014
Another day in bed for me and thankfully dad of 3 was home to help out again. Noel brought the children a new Christmas story for bedtime this morning, Twenty- five December Lane by Helen Wand.
Wednesday 10th December 2014
A quiet day at home for Erin and I today. Although I’d been symptom free since early Monday morning I felt wiped out and ached all over. Not a pleasant bug and I was glad to see Dad of 3 come home this evening. Erin’s hair has finally reached a milestone! I can just about put it in bunches and she looked very pleased when she saw them.
Thursday 11th December 2014
After a really early night last night I was actually starting to feel back to my normal self apart from tiredness. So I was able to go and watch Erin in her first Christmas concert. She looked very sweet dressed as an elf.
Friday 12th December 2014
Today we joined in with Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day. We all loved wearing our jumpers today.
Saturday 13th December 2014
Today I decided it was about time the hall got a festive makeover. So after taking the older two for much needed haircuts. We set about hanging lights and snowflakes.
Phew what a busy fortnight it’s been! I hope your all keeping well and are nearing the end of your Christmas preparations.
Aww Erin does look cute as an elf! I must try the button decorations next year. #project365
Absolutely love their Christmas jumpers, fabulous photo! Great Christmas photos and decorations in your house, it all looks wonderful
Thanks for linking up to Project 365.