We trailed a ‘nosetastic day’ with Weetabix ‘Pick your Nose’ Promotion

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Snorbits Space Search prize.

A couple of weeks ago we were asked by Weetabix if we would like to try one of the prizes from their ‘Pick your Nose’ promotion.  Weetabix are the official sponsors of Comic Relief 2015 and in support have lunched a special edition Weetabix Strawberry.  

wheetabixFor every pack that is purchased 5p will be donated to Comic Relief and in addition to that you also have the chance to win one of their ‘nosetastic’ experiences.  The promotion is available across the New strawberry variety which can also be found in Crispy Minis, Weetos and Ready Brek. 

We were offered the chance to experience ‘Snorbits Space Search, one of the fantastic experiences.  The Snorbits Space Search prize is for one adult and one child to visit a Planetarium.  So last weekend we made a trip to TechniQuest in Cardiff to visit the Planetarium there where the experience would take place.

Trystan is very interested in astronomy at the moment so I knew that this would be something he would especially enjoy.  TechniQuest’s planetarium has two different shows available at weekends and during school holidays.  One is aimed at children under seven years old and the other is for over sevens.  planetarium shows at TechniQuest start from 11.30am and alternate between the under and over sevens show throughout the day. 

Prior to arriving dad of 3 and myself had discussed which show we would try to see and had decided that the younger two would probably not appreciate the show so it would be best for me to go in with the older two boys.  unfortunately you can’t pre-book the planetarium shows prior to your visit so it is recommended that you arrive early to avoid disappointment due to there being a limit amount of availability for each show.  We had a two-hour drive to reach TechniQuest and arrived just after 11am and managed to get tickets to the first over seven,s show ‘The Search for Life’ at midday. 

WIth our tickets secured we decided to head into the exhibits where dad of 3 would stay with the younger two.  The children couldn’t wait to get stuck in and went to explore the nearest exhibits.  TechniQuest is all about hands on learning and science, a great combination for young and old.  We tried to stay near the start of the exhibits so we would hear the announcement for the planetarium show but it wasn’t so easy with the children wanting to explore everything they came across.   I don’t think the younger two noticed I had disappeared with the older two when the time came as they were thoroughly enjoying themselves. 

techniquest 1techniquest 2Once everyone was assembled at the meeting point for the planetarium we made our way to the planetarium.  Sadly we were unable to take any photographs once inside. We made ourselves comfortable on the seats around the planetarium as instructed and waited for the ‘Search for Life’ to start.  Below is a bit about the show:

“For many thousands of years people have looked out from the small blue dot we call Earth and wondered if we are alone in the Universe. In Search for Life we will consider this question.

Find out how life is thought to have started on this planet, where life has been found in some of the most extreme places on the Earth, and how we can use this new-found knowledge to search for life on other planets and moons in the Solar System. Beyond our Solar System, around distant stars, new planets are being found all the time. May they hold the secret we are looking for?

If we find life, will it be simple life, such as bacteria, or will we find an intelligent alien looking back at us wondering if they will ever find another race they can contact?” (taken from the TechniQuest website

There was the chance to ask questions and get involved throughout the show and Trystan ceased the opportunity and even managed to correctly identify one of the planets which the member of staff had incorrectly named! We also learnt about the constellations and why they have their names, i.e Orion the Giant.  When the show ended we thanked the member of staff and made our way back to the exhibits to find dad of 3 and the younger two, where Trystan excitedly told dad of 3 about the show before heading off to try out some more of the exhibits. 

techniquest 5techniquest 4We spent a further hour and a half exploring and trying out the exhibits which span over two floors.  It was great to see the children all getting involved, even Erin throughly enoyed herself and was keen to try things out.

techniquest 3techniquest 6After several hours we realised we were all getting very hungry and decided it was time to head off in search of food.  TechniQuest do have a cafe however when we visited the cafe, main reception and gift shop area’s where undergoing refurbishment.  The gift shop had temporarily moved to the upper level of the exhibit hall and I made a quick visit to buy a few bits before we left.   I think it’s safe to say we will return to TechniQuest soon to enjoy some more hands on learning and hopefully next time we will be able to see the under seven’s show at the planetarium. 

Weetabix ‘Pick your Nose’ Promotion is running between 13th January 2015 and 3rd April 2015. Visit https://pickyournose.weetabix.com/campaign and enter your code, then select one of the nine Red Noses to be entered into the weekly prize draw.  There are nine main prizes and 50 runner-up prize each week while the promotion is running.   Snorbits Space Search prize package is for one adult over 18 years old and one child under 16 years old and includes return travel from a mainland train station to your nearest planetarium and entry into the planetarium. 

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