Making Money From Home

All working parents will tell you that no matter how hard you work and how hard you try to save money, you just never have enough. The bills keep falling on the doormat and the kids are always needing money for something whether it’s a school trip, uniform or trainers. We’ve then got to find a way of putting fuel in the car and feeding ourselves – they’re right, there’s just never enough!

Obviously we all want to find ways to save money so that we can afford to go on holiday, pay the bills and afford all the things we want; but it isn’t always possible. At the end of each month you take a look at the bank balance and wonder just how you’ve made it through or where you might be able to make savings next month and your mind just goes blank.

Personally, I spend enough time at work as it is. I certainly don’t want to have to do overtime every day unless I really need to in order to pay the bills and getting a loan is always filled with questions about whether it’s worth going into the debt and how you’re going to afford the repayments.

This got me thinking about how I (and others) might be able to make a bit of extra money without even having to leave the house.

One thing I thought about was offering a bit of a freelance service if you like. We’re all good at something whether it’s writing, drawing, craft, baking – whatever it might be. Rather than just doing something because we enjoy it, we could offer our services to others to help them out and make some extra cash along the way.

Lots of sectors, especially blogging, have plenty of money to be made either through partnerships or advertising and there are always agencies out there looking for people with expertise in certain areas to help them out from time to time.

Another idea was using a passion of mine, online bingo. It’s a bit of a pipe dream to think about winning the mega jackpots, but each time you win you can withdraw the money and put it in a “rainy day fund”. Over the years I’ve found that searching for the best online bingo offers helps you to increase your chances of winning, and your winnings too. Many players stick to the site they start with and don’t tend to try out the others, this means that the market is clearer for you to stake your claim!

While we’re online, eBay becomes an obvious answer to our prayers. Okay we might not be able to make that much money selling off what we don’t need anymore but as the popular supermarket chain saying goes, every little helps.

With kids who have so much stuff already it makes sense to start thinking about having a clear out before we really get into the summer, so selling off the clothes that don’t fit anymore and the toys they don’t play with could bring in a few extra pounds a time – especially if you wait for the free listings days.

Disclaimer: This post is brought to you in partnership with Best Online Bingo Offers

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