I can’t believe we’re into February already, January whizzed by at an amazing speed and left us feeling rather stunned in some ways. The weather has been atrocious which I’m sure hasn’t gone unnoticed by you either. The storm systems have left us feeling battered since December and there has not really been a let up between them either. But despite the winds and rain we’ve not really seen the usual winter weather we are used too. Those cold frosty mornings where you wake to the grass-covered in a frosty carpet and cobwebs glistening in the morning sunshine. Don’t get me wrong it’s been great not having to defrost the car prior to the school runs but I do miss the crisp mornings where everything seems so still. We certainly could do with some frosty weather to kill off the germs that are doing the rounds lately too. The picture below was taken on the one frosty morning we’ve had. Christmas saw us spending some much needed time together as a family with both dad of 3 and myself taking a fortnight off with the children. We played board games, ate lots of lovely food, saw family and watched the local panto among other things. Emails went unread and I managed to read two books, something I struggle to do at any other time of the year.
Since the summer when I started to teach myself to crochet I eagerly moved from one project to another. I made gifts for the children for christmas and for friends and family too. I’ve found crochet has increasingly given me a sense of achievement but also helped me no end to relax and take time out, something that I need. Yet Since Christmas I haven’t had the chance to pick up my crochet as been so busy. However the last few weeks have shown me that I need to have that time, time to wind down at the end of a busy day when the children are all in bed. So over the last few days I have made a start on a blanket for Luc and I can’t tell you how good it feels, even just crocheting two rows a night has started to make a difference so it’s something I wil be sticking too.
The back to school and work routine has also taken some weeks to get used to again and as this is the last term Erin will be part-time in school I have been savouring my precious time with her in the afternoons. Time for just the two of us even if it’s been curled up on the sofa watching Disney films under a blanket nursing colds which have gone round the whole family in circles the last month. We’ve had picnic lunches on the sitting room floor surrounded by Erin’s dolls and teddys, made rice crispy cakes and just enjoyed Mother and daughter time. It’s something I will miss dreadfully when she starts school full-time after Easter. It’s made me realise that time with the children is so precious and needs to be embraced fully. I’ve neglected the blog in the process but am slowly managing to find a balance because I don’t want to have regrets about missing out on time with the children, they are and always will be my priority.
So February we’re coming to get you, I’m hoping it will be full of fun and laughter. I expect some tears along the way too but full of adventure and outdoor fun.