We all lead busy lifes and inevitably there are all times when we’re unwell and want to seek advise for a Doctor or Pharmacist. Sometimes it’s not easy to visit your own Doctor or make it too your nearest chemist, this could be due to where we live or perhaps mobility issues. However thanks to the internet there are other options available to us when it comes to discussing our health concerns and look for information about different conditions and illnesses.
So it’s no surprise that you can now contact a Doctor or Pharmacist on the internet and with even order your NHS prescriptions. Pharmacists offer a whole wealth of experience and knowledge and often when it comes to coughs,colds, sore throats and other aliments they can be a valuable point of contact for advice with treatments that can be used without making an appointment to see a doctor. Many people don’t access their pharmacists fully and this is a shame. They can provide advice on how to take medication, dosages, side effects etc it’s something I’ve used when prescribed Yasmin birth control medication and I have found it very helpful.
I’ve been hearing more and more about online Pharmacy services lately so I decided to take a look to see exactly what they offer. So I spent some time looking at various websites and reading reviews. One I came across was The Independent Pharmacy they enable you to aim to provide a safe and effective online health service. All treatments provided by them are for adults age 18 years plus however you are still able to search their extensive advice section which provides advice on conditions such as acne, eye infections and many more. They also offer an NHS repeat prescription service which once you have signed up they will fill your repeat prescriptions from your GP and then deliver them free of charge to you at home. You can also chat with a Doctor or pharmacist online, via email or over the phone about your concerns. The Independent Pharmacy provides advice for non-actute conditions, so if you have a severe condition you will still need to see your own GP. If your not sure if you need to see your GP you can search the conditions The Independent Pharmacy are able to help you with here
So if your not sure you need to see your GP having somewhere you can seek advice first may be helpful and will may also save you an unnecessary trip to the doctor.
Disclaimer: This is a collaborative post however the content is 100% my own