Taking photographs is something I do a lot of, be it capturing things the children do such as sports days, scouting events, family days out and holidays. I know I’m not alone with this and over the years the way in which I capture memories has evolved. I went from using a basic compact camera to a video camera and then over the last few years I now use my mobile phone.
I tend to have my mobile on me most of the time so it made sense to use it to capture events, memories etc as I have it to hand and also because the quality of the photographs you can take are great. But what do I do with the photographs once I’ve taken them. Destination2.co.uk got in touch with me a couple of weeks ago and asked me if I would be happy to take about what I do with the photographs I take while on holiday or traveling, so I agreed.
Last September we visited Disneyland Paris for a family holiday, it was a fantastic holiday and I took around a thousand photographs over the five days we were there. So many lovely memories captured but what to do with them? The first thing I did once home was transfer them off my mobile and onto my laptop so I could delete them off my mobile to provide space on it’s memory. While in Disneyland we took advantage of the photo pass service available when meeting some of the characters and I paid to have a couple of our favourites printed out before we left. These came in special Disneyland Paris frames and we mounted them in a picture frame so we could display them at home. I then spent some time editing some of the photographs I had taken and using an online photo editing website created some collages and enlarged a few. My intention was to write about our holiday and use some of the photos I had taken, however this is something I am yet to do. I also shared lots of my favourite photos on facebook so my family and friends could see them. I am also planning to turn one or two into photo canvasses or a photo book to have at home for us to enjoy.
Here’s an example of one of the collages I made
I’m sure I am not alone with my good intentions when it comes to what I do with my holiday/travel photographs. In fact Destination2.co.uk found from their recent survey that “29 per cent admit to leaving snaps on the computer. A further 29 per cent admit to not doing anything with them at all while over 14 per cent go as far as putting them in a separate folder on their phone. They also found that When it came to making hard copies of the images, only 12.5 per cent of holidaymakers make the effort to get them printed. The remainder of us either create an album on our phones or share them on social media.”
Do you have a favourite destination that you have taken lots of photographs of and what have you done with the photographs you’ve taken?
Disclaimer: This is a collaborative post however the content is 100% my own.