Its not often that snow arrives in our neck of the woods, usually it falls within a couple of miles of us but it is very rare it actually snows and settles here. So when we experienced an icy blast a couple of weeks ago that brought snow for us it caused a lot of excitement. Like lots of families up and down the UK who had snow that weekend we had the urge to get out and play in it. I think this snow fall marked the first for Erin and only the second for the three boys which shows how unusual it is here.
It posed the perfect opportunity to have some fun. The older two were so excited they simply dressed over their pjs and rushed out into the garden. The dogs who have never experienced snow were just as keen to get out and explore the snow covered garden. As the boys ran around the garden having a snowball fight, Elsa ran excitedly around them trying to catch the snow as it fell. She couldn’t get enough of it and didn’t want to come in. Pip on the other hand was not as impressed with the snow! He had a quick sniff around before retreating to his bed to hide under his blankets. Which is where he stayed for the rest of the day!
Unfortunately not everyone could get out and enjoy the snow thanks to chest infections and virus’s. Not wanting to be left out of the fun I wrapped up and managed to capture a few photographs of the fun and dodged a snowball or two in the process. It was such as a shame as I love snow and was desperate to get out with the children to have some fun.

Snow fun snacks
A day or two before the snow hit we had kindly been sent some Oreo cookies to enjoy So I decided that they would provide the perfect snack for the children following their snow fun. So I set about making some hot chocolate for the boys to go with their Oreos. I told the boys that who ever won the snowball fight would be rewarded with Oreos as a reward. Spurred on by the challenge they decided to have one final snowball fight before coming in to warm up. They spent a good twenty minutes assembling snow balls. Dad of 3 acted as umpire and they were off! Elsa was still running excitedly between the boys trying to pick up snowballs as they were thrown. After ten minutes of furious snowball throwing it was over and the boys were dashing inside to warm up. Once changed I survived up hot chocolates and Oreo Cookies for everyone, it didn’t seem fair to withhold their favorite cookies when we couldn’t all enjoy the snow!
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