Last year Among Us became that must play game in the house amongst the children and their friends. It occupied so many hours here but it was something myself and Dad of 3 didn’t mind too much as more often than not all four played together which is rare thing these days. E and R were undoubtedly the most invested in the game and when collectibles were released they of course wanted them like everyone else. So when I was sent some of the brand new Series 2 collectibles recently I knew E and R would be the ones who would want to try them out.

We were sent two Among Us Series 2 Crewmate blind bags, One Among Us Series 2 Figuaral KeyChain blind bag, a Among Us Series 2 Crewmate Stampers four pack and a Among Us Series 2 Plushie. In the end it was E who had the chance to open the blind bags and she really excited.

Blind bags are always a hit here, I think it’s the excitement of finding outside what is inside. With all the Series 2 blind bags there are 16 to collect and several of those are rare figures. E started with the Crewmate blind bags and then moved on to the Figuaral Keychain. Her face was a picture as she opened each of the three blindbags in turn and then discovered what was inside. She then consulted the leaflet inside each of the bags which showed who the figures where and which were rare figures.

E quickly decided that she wanted to but the Figural Keychain on her school bag so I agreed. I actually thought she was going to fall down the stairs with how fast she tore down them to find her school bag. I like the idea of having a keychain on her bag as it will help her identify hers if there are several in her class with the same or similar bags like last year.

With the figuaral Keychain attached to the zip on her bag, E then turned her attention to the Crewmate Stamper pack. I don’t think E had registered they were stampers until she opened the pack and then examined each crewmate stamper in turn. Once she had looked at each of the four she again consulted the back of the pack to see if she had any rare ones. E had three out of the four of the rare stampers which she was really excited about.

E then went to find some paper so she could try out the stampers. Each stamper contains ink so they are ready to use as soon as you take them out of the packaging.

After playing about with the stampers for a good half an hour she got up and took the stampers into her bedroom. When she returned without the stampers I asked her where they were. She replied that she had hidden them so that R couldn’t find them and that she would use them in her dairy. I think the Crewmate Stampers are ideal for such a task but could also be used for lots of other things from decorating cards, making party invites and more.
Finally E turned her attention to the Plushie we’d been sent, which personally was my favourite out of all the items. E said it was so adorable and that she really liked the size. It means she can take it with her where ever she goes from school to days out. She said he would put it in her school bag so she could show her friends when they returned to school but in the meantime she was going to put the plushie on her bed.

Since recieving the Among Us Series 2 items E has talked endlessly about them, she has been trying to teach me the name of each crewmate but I have to admit I’m struggling to remember the majority of them. R has also enjoyed looking at the items and E has even let him try the Crewmate stampers out.
All of the series 2 Among Us items are available now from Smyths, The Works, Littlewoods, HMV, W H Smiths and Game.
Disclaimer: We were sent the Among Us series 2 items for the purpose of this post. However the contents is 100% my own.