Dad of 3 jumped at the chance to help review the Harvest Chewee bars we were kindly sent recently. We have previously bought Harvest Chewee milk choc chip bars and they always go down a treat here. Usually the box only lasts a day or two instead of the intend five. However we have not tried the other varieties available, White choc chip and toffee, until now. We were quite taken aback at how generous the people at Harvest Chewee were sending us a box of each variety, it was unexpected but a lovely surprise.
We often put chewee bars in our lunch bags as a snack. Dad of 3 will take one to work to snack on too if we have them in the house. I am also guilty of snacking on them throughout the day. They are something that is tasty and easy to eat on the go. I’ve become a bit partial to the White Choc Chip bars while dad of 3 is favouring the toffee ones.
The information on the back of the box states “Source of fibre, no artificial colours, contains vitamins and iron, individually wrapped and nut free factory”.
Harvest Chewee are currently running a promotion offering the chance to win school packed lunches for a year. Please see promotional packs in store for details. Harvest Chewee retails at £1.56 for a box of 9 bars and are available at all good stockists.