I was recently sent some Hit Spring Water to review with the boys. It was great timing with the lovely weather we have been experiencing. I always worry that the boys are not drinking enough during the hot weather. Rowan was immediately very taken with the colourful designs, we had been sent Fireman Sam and Bob the Builder. The Hit Spring water is in 300ml bottles with sports caps on making them easy to drink from for children. We took a couple of bottles out on a wildlife walk and also on a trip to the beach. They were just the right size to put in the boys rucksacks and my handbag.
Trystan who’s 5 years old was a bit reluctant to drink from them though. When asked why he didn’t want one he replied that they were too young for him! Luc my eldest happily drank the Fireman Sam water but refused the Bob the Builder one’s saying they were for babies! However Rowan was happy to drink both the Bob the Builder and Fireman Sam Water. So I guess it very much depends on the child the water is being bought for as to if they will drink them or not. The Hit Spring water is also available in an Angelina Ballerina design as well. I’m lucky that the boys will drink water, the older two have water throughout the day at school and we have been encouraging Rowan to drink water were possible too. So these water’s have been a great aid to encouraging Rowan to drink water. I admit that I did take one of the labels off the Bob the Builder water just to see if the older two would be happy to drink the water if there was no label on it and both did. Luc took one unlabelled bottle to school in his lunch bag and drank it all. I think it would be great if some other cartoon characters could be introduced to the range as I think it would make the Hit spring water more appealing to children over the age of 5 years.
The Hit Spring Water retails at 49p for individual bottles and £2.49 for packs of six bottles. You can find them in Boots and Asda.
I think they would be ideal for me aswell haha! I hate tap water and much prefer bottled. And I think that the sports cap and the fact that they arent huge bottles would encourage me to drink more!!
I found myself drinking them without realising it when they were in my bag, certainly a handy size 🙂