Last week I was kindly sent The Cosy Shopper to review. I remembered seeing the Cosy Shopper on Dragon’s Den so was excited to have the opportunity to review it myself. I hate supermarket trolley seats, I find they are often dirty or wet which isn’t ideal for putting your little one in. Not all supermarkets have wipes on hand for you to clean the seats before you use them and when they do it’s not always practical o use them. I have had problems getting all of the boys at various points into the trolley when having a tantrum. So imagine how pleased I was to realise that The Cosy Shopper solved the problem of dirty and wet seats. Not only can you use The Cosy Shopper in trolley baby seats you can use it in infant carrier car seats.
The Cosy Shopper features a lovely soft and protective seat cover and a matching blanket for keeping your little one lovely and warm when needed. It’s made from 100% polyester polar fleece. I like the fact that the seat cover is elasticated and has an adjustable toggle enabling it to be used on different makes of infant carrier car seats. I found it very quick to fit to the infant carrier and then when I wanted to transfer it to the baby seat in a trolley the Velcro harness enabled transferring the cover easily without having to fiddle with straps. As Rowan is too big to use the Cosy Shopper, one of my friends kindly allowed me to take her son shopping so I could try out the Cosy Shopper. I certainly had a few looks when using the Cosy Shopper with my little tester and he seemed quite happy in the baby seat in the trolley.
I really enjoyed using the Cosy Shopper I wish I had had one when my sons had been young enough to use them. It is certainly a great product that while get a lot of use by anyone who has one. The are also washable at 30 degrees.
The information I had with the Cosy Shopper stated that it was suitable from birth to 12 months old. However if you your little one is still in a infant carrier seat due to their weight passed this age I would say you could still use it. I know with two of my son’s they were still in infant carriers and the baby seat in trolley’s until they were 15 months old due to their weight. But please only do this if you are following the weight recommendations of the car seat manufacture.
I’ve also discovered that The Cosy Shopper is being used by celebrities including Rachel Stevens and Jadene Bircham.
The Cosy Shopper cost £25.00 each but you can buy two for £40.00. The Cosy shopper is available in A Cow print and a Camouflage print. For further information or to buy The Cosy Shopper please visit