Just over a week ago I was very kindly sent some of the new Special K Granola to try. I’ve never tried granola before and neither has dad of 3, however we are currently looking at ways to eat a bit more healthier and I need to shed the last of my pregnancy weight (yes I still have some two years on!). We were sent some Raisins and Red Apples Special K Granola and some Cranberry, Pumpkin seeds and Almonds Special K Granola along with a limited edition tote bag and tea towel.
When the granola first arrived my initial thoughts were that I liked the look of the Red Apple and Raisin granola and decided that would be the first one I would try. While dad of 3 opted to try the Cranberry, Pumpkin Seeds and Almond granola first. The next morning dad of 3 was up before me and was first to try a bowl of granola, he was very impressed. He had thought it might be very chewy but wasn’t at all and he thoroughly enjoyed it. When I was ready for breakfast I prepared myself a bowl of the Red Apple and Raisin granola with a splash of milk. I don’t like milk on it’s own so only tend to have just enough to eat my cereal so applied the same to the granola. The raisins were lovely and juicy and although the apple did get a bit soggy when it soaked up the milk it was quite enjoyable and I was impressed for my first taste of granola.
The next day we swapped and I had the Pumpkin seed, Cranberry and Almond granola for breakfast. It was packed with flavour and I enjoyed it although found a bit harder to chew the almonds and pumpkin seeds. Dad of 3 found the red apple became too soggy for his liking and wasn’t as flavoursome as the other one. We had a laugh about it being typical that we both liked the one the other person hadn’t but then it just shows not everyone has the same taste! However we both agreed that it was not what we had expected from granola and it was actually quite enjoyable. I don’t think I would eat it daily but would certainly look to have it two or three times a week to help vary my breakfasts and make it a bit more enjoyable. Dad of 3 has finished the bag of the Cranberry, Pumpkins seeds and Almond granola and has requested I buy more so that’s got to be a good sign.
Special K Granola is available from all major supermarkets from February 2014 and has a recommended retail price of £2.99 per 370g bag. Special K Granola is made from Oats, Wheat, Barley, Spelt and Rye and is also fortified with 6 B vitamins and iron. It also has 30% less fat than other granola cereal’s on sale in the UK and Republic of Ireland. For more information please visit www.myspecialk.co.uk

Good Luck
Berries in yoghurt 🙂 Followed on Bloglovin as Natalie White!
My Favourite Healthy Breakfast Is Porridge With Banana
Weetabix is my favourite with banana.
Shredded wheat
Muesli with cold milk.
Scrambled eggs on toast, with baked tomatoes.
Greek yoghurt
I like Weetabix!
I love most cereals but my favourites are bran flakes, muesli and granpola
following on bloglovin’ as Patricia Walker/patanne1
Scrambled egg on toast with some pepper and some mushrooms
(kim neville)
Follow on bloglovin as kim neville
(kim neville)
scrambled eggs with grilled cherry tomatoes on granary toast
shredded wheat
Porridge is always a winner! Filling and tasty
I do like a nice bowl of porridge 🙂 x
Love porridge in the morning, its the perfect starter.
Porridge it’s substantial but healthy
hot porridge
Banana and porridge
Fresh fruit salad
yogurt muesli and honey
Porridge and honey
poached eggs on toast
muesli with a sliced banana
porridge made with water, saltanas and cinnamon hemp
I love fresh fruit with natural yoghurt
greek yoghurt and granola with fresh berries
following on bloglovin as angiehoggett
Porridge with honey
Fruit Smoothies
pineapple and papaya muesli with cold milk
I love porridge with a little honey
fresh fruit salad
I love yoghurt
chopped bananas with greek honey yogurt
Plain porridge – it keeps me going all morning
Fat-free yogurt and granola
porridge in the winter – in summer bran flakes with raisins xx
Muesli with sliced banana
Porridge in winter, weetabix in summer!
Following on Bloglovin
fruit and nut bar 🙂 faye x
followed on bloglovin by fayehuntington 🙂 xx
love eggs 🙂
scrambled egg with wholemeal toast and tomatoes
natural yoghurt
Oats with milk and strawberries or blueberries.
i love all kinds of cereal but rice krispies are my favorite
A granola with yogurt
I normally have Weetabix with milk
Spencer Broadley
Fruit salad, 0% fat greek yoghurt and honey.
museli and greek yogurt x
boiled egg and toast 🙂
Porridge or a banana
cornflakes with skimmed milk
Fresh Fruit and low fat yoghurt
muesli and yogurt with
berries x
fruit salad with cherry yoghurt
fruit and yogurt
Natural yogurt with a dash of honey
Porridge 🙂
fresh fruit
Love fresh fruit or yogurt 🙂
toast and a nice cuppa 🙂
Red Apple & Raisin Special K Granola
onken passionfruit yoghurt with fresh banana and strawberries chopped up with it 🙂
Weetabix with banana or porridge
Fresh Fruit Salad
I love a bowl of fresh fruit with yoghurt and honey
I love most cereal. Granola is a big favourite at the moment.
Porridge :):
A smoothie
Does smoked salmon and scrambled egg count as healthy?
Porridge Yum Yum:)
M&S Fruit pot
porridge with strawberries
Porridge with berries
Slimming world fried eggs and mushrooms ( with fry light), grilled bacon wholemeal toast with dairylea add tomatoes and beans too some days
Poached eggs on wholegrain toast
porridge with honey
Scrambled eggs on toast followed by a banana
Fruit salad
Banana and yoghurt
prunes with natural yoghurt
I love Scrambled Egg & Spinach for a healthy breakfast.
Porridge with banana or honey
muesli with milk
Granola with natural yogurt 🙂 x
muesli with milk
followed on Bloglovin as Sheri darby
Granola and greek yogurt
Fruit and yogurt x
Fresh Original Greek Yoghurt with a sprinkling of Blueberries
A bowl of fresh fruit!! YUM!!
Yoghurt and crunchy cereal
Special K with Red Berries
trevor linvell
Scrambled eggs on brown bread (no butter!)
Kel Ellen Hirst
Fresh fruit, natural yoghurt & honey
Apple and blackberry porridge.
Marmite on toast!
I love Shredded Wheat
Honey in tea & lemon yogurt
My favourite is Greek natural yoghurt with fresh fruits like blueberries, banana etc
Muesli with skimmed milk
Porridge in the winter … fresh fruit and low fat youghurt in the warmer months 🙂
Boiled eggs
Mushroom omlett
Red apple and raisin granola with vanilla yoghurt
I love Weetabix, with warm milk
kirstyjfox [at] yahoo [dot] com
Boiled egg with wholemeal toast.
Following on bloglovin
My favourite healthy breakfast is muesli
Bruschetta topped with poached egg
porridge with fruit on top.
Fromage frais with granola on top
Following on Bloglovin as jeremy andrews
Strawberry squares with mangos, bananas and grapes
Yoghurt and fresh fruit – into raspberries at the moment
poached eggs
i love porridge with fruit for brekkie
Bran flakes with strawberry or black cherry low fat yogurt and topped with mixed berries and banana
Weetabix x
boiled eggs n toast 🙂