Project 365 – week 10

Well I can honestly say I’m pleased to see the end of this week!  Little miss has a chest infection and I’ve picked up a nasty viral infection that’s made me loose my voice at times! although my mum has teased me about it being nice to have some peace, it’s made managing the children difficult at times and Rowan in particular has taken full advantage of it.  But yesterday the sun came out and despite feeling unwell still I made the most of the weather and enjoyed some time hanging washing on the line, talking to the chickens and even managed to find some time to bake a new cake, sometimes it’s these simple things that make our days special, so lets hope the sun stays around.  
Sunday 2nd March – 
We enjoyed a few hours having fun and relaxing in one of the play areas at the cottages we stayed in over the weekend before heading home.  It was nice to see Erin enjoying herself despite having been up half the night coughing. 
Monday 3rd March – 
After a trip to the doctors we headed up to our local B&Q to pick up some bark chips to use in the garden.  Erin couldn’t wait to climb on the trolley for a ride, although wasn’t too sure when dad of 3 started pulling the trolley with her on!
Tuesday 4th March –
Shrove Tuesday saw us indulging in pancakes like most people, I prefer sugar and lemon on mine but dad of 3 and the children indulged in a variety of maple syrup and chocolate sauce on theirs.  
Wednesday 5th March – 
We had a visitor this morning!  Kitty’s mum who belongs to one of the children I look after followed him all the way to ours this morning.  It’s been a good month since she last visited and she spent almost two hours sat outside on the window sill looking in, kitty was very excited and kept calling to her through the window.  Our ginger tom Merlin wasn’t too impressed by our visitor and kept a close eye on her much to the children’s delight.
Thursday 6th March –
I won this fantastic Morph suit on twitter at the beginning of the week and today it arrived.  I hadn’t told the boys so when they got home from school they were eager to try it out.  Trystan was the first to try it on, It was quite strange watching him transform into a Jaguar but such a fantastic costume.
Friday 7th March –
This afternoon while Erin napped I decided to attempt making an Apple and Cinnamon Loaf, it’s something I saw on Mary Berry Cooks this week and it looked delicious.  I made two loafs and they were out just in time for the school run.  So on the way home myself and the children called in to my parents and surprised them with a loaf for them.  When we returned home the boys demolished half the loaf I made for us before I could take a photo, so I’M guessing that means they enjoyed it!
Saturday 8th March –
I was in the mood for more baking today, I opted for scones, shortbread biscuits and a lemon drizzle cake, yummy.  The warm scones went down a treat with a bit of clotted cream and strawberry jam while we watched the six nations match.
TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

7 thoughts on “Project 365 – week 10

  1. SarahMummy says:

    Hope you’re feeling better now. All of your recipes look delicious!

  2. Jo Laybourn says:

    Trust you are feeling better! Ha, love the Jaguar suit! #Project365

  3. Hope you’re feeling better & love the costume x

  4. Jaime Oliver says:

    oh my god that morph suit is fantastic! although im not sure i would be brave enough .. well done kids for trying it on x

  5. MomLee says:

    Hope you’re feeling better! Loved the clicks!


  6. That Morph/Jaguar suit is simply amazing!

  7. Goodness that morph suit is rather cool. The hiding softplay picture is sweet.

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