This week has dragged in some ways, after a week of gorgeous weather at the beginning of the week saw it being replaced by rain and it’s been wet, wet, wet! Despite this having been a short half term in school its been obvious this week that the boys are ready for the holidays to start. There’s also been great excitement as my youngest brother, his fiance and their gorgeous little boy (my nephew!) have come to visit for the week. We don’t get to see them nearly as much as I would like to as they live in Sheffield so we try to make the most of the time we do get.
Sunday 18th May 2014
After Sunday dinner today I took a restless Erin out for a walk down the road to my parents. The younger two boys decided to come along too. We spent a good half an hour enjoying ice creams in my parent’s garden before we set off again. I decided we would walk around the block towards home which meant passing the park. As it was quiet I agreed to ten minutes before finally heading home. Erin had great fun trying to join her brothers on the roundabout and slide.
Monday 19th May 2014
It’s that time of the week again! time to do the ironing and put it away. Ironing isn’t one of the chores I enjoy although I have started using the time to watch movies while I iron making it a little less painful! This week it seems to be never ending, the pile above is only the tip of the ice burg! I’m pretty sure the boys decided to wear every item of clothing they own this week!
Tuesday 20th May 2014
After school I took the opportunity to put my feet up for a bit. The early morning sun beaming into our bedroom has prevented me from getting enough sleep in recent weeks and it was finally catching up on me! Erin and Rowan decided it was the perfect opportunity to join me on the sofa and have cuddles.
Wednesday 21st May 2014
It rained most of the day today but the sun managed to break through around teatime. The older two cats grabbed the opportunity to bask in the evening sunshine. I love seeing these two sitting like this, it doesn’t happen often and they were oblivious to the chickens wondering around them. Merlin the ginger and white cat is usually off at the first sign of a chicken!
Thursday 22nd May 2014
This evening while dad of 3 took the older two out to their weekly Cub meeting, I gave Rowan a copy of CBebbies latest comic to keep him occupied. He spent ages playing with the free gifts on the front, a pirate set, he even went to sleep with the eye patch on!
Friday 23rd May 2014
Today was the day I’ve been looking forward to for the last few weeks. After taking the boys to school Erin and I headed off to Folly Farm to meet my youngest brother, his fiance and my nephew for a few hours together. After initially being shy Erin quickly came around and we enjoyed a lovely time seeing the animals despite the weather. In between downpours we made our way around the zoo. At Penguin Cove the two children spent ages running up and down the viewing window trying to catch the penguin swimming. The penguin seemed to be joining in the game. It was lovely to see these two together with a month between them they had great fun together.
Saturday 24th May 2014
This evening saw us going for a meal with my family. It was the first time my siblings and I had been together for 18 months. With children and parents and partners we were joined by my brother’s fiance’s grandmother, sixteen of us in total enjoyed a lovely meal together. In between course the boys took the opportunity to play a game on the nearest phone! It was lovely to get together, we need to try to do it more often.
Ironing is the vain of my life too, and I only have 2 other people to iron for! #365
I keep my ironing pile out of sight 😉 lovely round up, love the feet up selfie 🙂 #project365
Oooh ironing *sighs* Such lovely family pics – always wanted a big family but the ironing has put me off 😉
Lovely family photos of your week. Ironing whats ironing?! lol #365 x
Gosh you’re good with your ironing, I try to avoid piles of it. Might not be saying that when I’m in London 3 days a week though! Folly Farm and Penguin cove sounds like a brilliant end to your week Ice-creams are good too though 🙂
Ah the penguins are so much fun to watch – you’ve reminded me I really must take the kids to Sea Life again soon
i feel your pain on the ironing front i did 4 hours of the damn stuff!! xx
That shot with the penguins is brilliant! The puente patch made me smile too x
Don’t get me started on the washing and ironing! Too much to do! #365