Review – Dinosaur Roar! app

For the last fortnight we have been enjoying the Dinosaur Roar! app which is inspired by the book by Paul and Henrietta Strickland.  This Dinotastic app brings the classic Dinosaur Roar! story to life.  The app features two story telling modes, read to me and read alone with the option for your child to record their own voice to play back, enabling your child to build their reading confidence while enjoying the fun rhyming text.  There is even a ‘name that dinosaur’ feature and of course colouring where your child can select a dinosaur and add colour or patterns by using their fingertips to colour.  When you have finished creating your original Dinosaur pictures you can save them too.  
The Dinosaur Roar! app brings to life the 20 year old classic childrens book, first published in 1994 it has sold over five million books worldwide.  “As this iconic children’s title marks its 20thanniversary, owners Nurture Rights have appointed Penguin Random House as the new publishers, and have also teamed up with the Natural History Museum to develop and market the Dinosaur Roar! brand. Dinosaur Roar! is the inspiration for a major new project for pre-schoolers being developed by Nurture Rights, in association with the Natural History Museum, with a percentage of royalties from sales of the app going to support the work of the museum.” (taken from press release)

Erin and Rowan have really enjoyed using the app, Erin in particular has spent hours listening to the story and colouring in dinosaurs.  Rowan tend to enjoy the ‘name the dinosaur’ part of the app and enjoyed recording himself trying to read the story to play back.  This delightful app has proved to be a hit here and I’ve even found the older two having a go when they think I’m not looking! 

The Dinosaur Roar! ios app is available to download worldwide from iTunes for £1.99!/id857865979?ls=1&mt=8

In addition Random House have published a 20th Anniversary edition of Dinosaur Roar! book that’s available now in shops

Over on the Dinosaur Roar! Facebook page they are currently running a fantastic competition where you could win a ipad mini.  All you have to do is record your child giving their fiercest roar and either post it on their Facebook page, here 
or twit it at @dinosaurroar or you can email it to but hurray as the competition ends on June 7th.


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