A fortnight ago I learnt that Mark Warner were once again on the search for bloggers to join their Family Ambassador programme. Since then I have spent many hours brainstorming this post as our application for the programme before finally spending hours working it.. I’ve written and rewritten it, trying to find the perfect words to sum up our perfect holiday. But do you know what to me all that matters is that we’re there together experiencing it as a family.
Something that blogging has enabled me to do is develop my writing, something I love to do. It’s also taken me out of my comfort zone and I think in a way holidays can do that too. Holidays enable you to take time out, to try something you may not otherwise be able to, from watersports to snowboarding or even something more extreme. Holidays open eyes and minds just like writing can. Both can also leave you feeling refreshed and ready for new challenges. With this in mind I’ve decided to try my hand at some poetry, something I’ve not done for many years, but here goes …
The Perfect holiday they asked, what would it be …
Some sand, some sea or snow?
For destinations over sea, is where we’d like to be.
Some time for us as a family
To take time out to enjoy each others company.
We like to walk, explore and play
to learn new things along the way.
Try new foods and see new sights,
to run care free, to sit and watch the sea.
The Holy Grail of holidays we’d like to find
Towns, cities, hills or coast,
space to relax and just be us.
To laugh and cry if the case may be but to be a family.
Come rain or sun, sand, sea or snow,
Somewhere we can be just us.
We want to run in the crashing waves, make snowmen in the hills
to make the most of our holiday.
So the hunt is on, can you help us find our perfect holiday?
This is my entry for the Creative Writer category for the Mark Warner Holidays’ Family Ambassador Programme.
Love your poem. I am rubbish at writing poetry! Good luck.
aw thankyou 🙂 x