Christmas is, once again, looming just around the corner. If you aren’t organised, it’s easy to spend beyond your means and a last minute dash usually seems inevitable. If you think ahead and plan a couple of months in advance, it doesn’t have to be that way. Auto Advance have a few tips that should make your festive period a little easier.
Have a goal.
If you set yourself a minimum and a maximum spending allowance, you know there won’t be any disappointments, but also there won’t be any nasty surprises later on.
Setting a budget also means is that you can deposit small amounts each month that won’t affect your typical routine, but will add up to a nice amount ready for spending when the time comes. It’s always good to have a little money set aside in case you see the perfect gift!
By having gift ideas in mind early on, you can reduce the hassle of thinking up something last minute. Having gift ideas early on will help you to avoid issues such as shopping delays and high costs. The concept of shopping delays due to high demand is common, especially if you want to buy your Christmas gifts via the internet. Planning should begin as soon as possible if you want to buy gifts like toys, Christmas pyjamas, scarves, and so on. Consider making your purchases a full month in advance to ensure they arrive on time and early enough for you to make changes. Try securing things that might be in high demand around December time. Lists of this year’s top toys for Christmas usually come out as early as June! Keep an eye on what this year’s toy fad is likely to be if you have any family or friends who are likely to want one; we’ve all seen Jingle All The Way!
Stocking up
Another thing to consider is buying small amounts in advance with things that will last until the time comes to use them. Biscuits, crackers and nuts for example, are things you could add to your weekly shop. Just remember to pack the tub of sweets away and out of sight until the first day of Christmas!
Shop Around
Don’t pick up the first thing you find. You can also guarantee that whatever you are looking at can be found elsewhere at a fraction of the cost. From party food to video games, there will almost always be an alternate place to buy from. Check around online for toys, games and gadgets. Online auction sites are always worth a browse for new or nearly new items. Look at the discount stores for cheaper food stuffs, or look for frozen if applicable. No one knows the difference once it’s served up, and you might be surprised at the quality when compared to the premium choice.
Be Sneaky
There are tons of websites that offer free samples, or trials of their products. Every little helps when it comes to Christmas. You can even sign up to be a product tester of more high-end items, from vacuum cleaners to mountain bikes to televisions. You just need to sign up and if you are selected, a quick review and you can keep whatever it may be. Don’t rely on this one as not everyone can be a product tester, but it’s good to be signed up just in case.
I try to buy in advance but I often end up buying more as my son’s tastes change in the run up!