Foxy helps with home, life, love and food hacks

Being a busy working mum with four children I am always looking out for ways to make daily life easier.  Be it making household chores easier and less time consuming, finding new ways to reuse items that would usually be thrown away, ways to treat every day aliments that the children or myself may suffer with or just everyday life hacks.

More and more I find myself reading articles with home, health and life hacks in and then trying them out.  I’ve been amazed at how many items/products that are found in most homes can be used for other things and not just what I bought them for!  For example Bicarbonate of soda can be used to clean so many items around the home like cleaning burnt saucepans.  I also like hacks that are fun to do like using a small inflatable paddling pool as a safe place for your baby/toddler to play in.

So when I was approached by Foxy Bingo a couple of weeks ago and asked if I could help with some home hacks for a random life tip generator I jumped at the chance.  I thought it would be great to have lots of fun hacks for life, home, love and food tips in one place.  I love Foxy’s northern sense of fun so I knew that this would be a great campaign to get involved with.   Why not pop over and give Foxy’s fun interactive tip generator a go, you can find it here

Then if that wasn’t enough excitement I learnt that Heather Graham has just been announced as the new face of Foxy Bingo and Casino.  I think she’s an excellent choice and I am really looking forward to seeing how she gets on over the coming months.

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