I have fond memories of watching Thunderbirds as a child with my bothers and sister. It became a ritual to watch it during tea on a weekend as a treat. So when I was asked a couple of weeks ago if I would like to take a look at the new Thunderbirds Are Go toys from Bandai I of course said yes.

When Thunderbirds Go was released by ITV a couple of years ago I introduced it to my children and loved the fact they seemed to enjoy it as much as I had as a child. I knew that they would be excited to see the new toys. What I hadn’t anticipated was how excited Rowan was when they arrived. He spent ten minutes examing each of the toys in their packaging and then quickly opened them. He then took time investigating each one working out what the figures could do and what each of the vehicles were capable of. By this time it was time for dinner and he reluctantly put the toys safely on the sofa while he ate.
With dinner over Rowan rushed back to the toys and spent the next two hours playing with them before bed. It was amazing to watch him spend so much time playing with the Thunderbirds toys, we said his favourite was Thunderbird 2 and Virgil Tracy set. He liked the fact that all the figures were very detailed. He also liked the working lights on Thunderbird 2.

Since the Thunderbird toys arrived Rowan has played with them continiously and I even caught him with one of the figures coming out of school! He’s not usually allowed to take toys to school but he told me he wanted to play with it in the car on the way home. The toys have also caught the eye of my two year old nephew when he came over with his mum. Rowan spent time showing him what each of the toys did and let him play with them too which was really nice to see. I personally love the fact that a series I enjoyed over thirty years ago is now appealing to my own children.
We’ve also been watching the new series on ITV/CITV together, the older two boys dip in and out of it but the younger two are glued to it. I hope Thunderbirds are Go is here to stay, it certainly is in our house. The Thunderbirds are Go toy range is available now from all good stockists and cost ranges from between £9.99 to £12.99 for a motion vehicle and £19.99 for a 30cm action figure.
Disclaimer: We were sent the Thunderbirds are Go toys for the purpose of this post however the content is 100% my own.