This week I’ve been getting out and about as much as possible both on my own and with the family. With the later evenings and dry weather we are trying to start getting out and about as much as possible. So on Monday evening Trystan and I did a spot… Read more“Black and white Photography Project – landscapes”
The last few days have been glorious here and we’ve been out and about making the most of it. On Thursday Erin and I paid a visit to our newly opened castle, something I will be writing about. When I uploaded the photographs I took I realised I had some… Read more“Black and White Photography Project – Shadows”
On Tuesday afternoon Trystan and I took my mum to a meeting in Aberaeron. It was a glorrious day so we decided to head down to the front and have a walk along the harbour while we waited. Having parked up in one of the car parks we decided to… Read more“A spring afternoon in Aberaeron”
It’s been a bit of strange week with the older two boys spending some time at their grandmas while I worked. I took the younger two and the two children I look after out for the day on Wednesday and we had a lovely time. The house has been… Read more“Black and White Photography Project”
It’s been a while since I joined in with PODcast’s Black and White Photography project but I’m back! Following on from Captured by Lucy’s photography session at Blogon Cymru at the beginning of the month I decided to buy some light reflectors so I could play around with lighting. This… Read more“Black and White Photography Project”
You may have noticed things have been a bit on the quiet side lately, so I wanted to explain why. I could give you a long list of what would seem like excuses but I won’t. Quite simply, life got in the way! We have literally had three full on… Read more“Taking stock”
Sadly it’s been quite a few weeks since I managed to join in this lovely project which is run by PODcast so I’m pleased to be joining in again this week. Yesterday we spent a few hours in Cardiff Bay where I grabbed the chance to take some photographs. It… Read more“Black and White Photography Project”
Today we paid a visit to Laugharne Castle in Pembrokeshire, we love exploring new castles and gardens whenever we have the opportunity and as CADW are holding their open doors weekend this weekend we grabbed the opportunity. I last visited Laugharne as a child and remember visiting Dylan Thomas’s Boathouse… Read more“Black and White Photography – The perfect inspiration for writing”
This week has marked the return to school for the boys and Erin starting in Meithrin ( Welsh Medium Nursery) The first morning I headed into town and got all my errands out of the way. I have to say it was very strange not having any of the children… Read more“Black and White Photography Project”