Last week I was having a look around Pinterest for inspiration for activities for the children when I came across a pin for “Edible” Water Beads. In the last year we’ve enjoyed many a sensory play session using Water Beads but I have always been wary of them because of… Read more“Water sensory play using Boba Pearls (Tapioca balls)”
Category: water play
Our dream Garden
Since moving into this house just over two years ago I have been thinking and planning of ways to improve the garden both for the enjoyment of the whole family. Making changes is a slow process at present where the garden is concerned and dad of 3 can often be… Read more“Our dream Garden”
Sea life themed Water Play
Last weeks water play activity had reminded me how much fun water play could be. We’ve been looking at animals lately so I came up with an idea to introduce sea life to Rowan, Erin and the child I look after using water play. A few weeks back I had… Read more“Sea life themed Water Play”
Project 365 – week 16
It’s been a week of getting back into routines both old and new here, with the older two returning to school after the Easter break and Rowan starting their school part time. It’s meant a few afternoons a week I have a few hours with just Erin and myself,… Read more“Project 365 – week 16”
Outdoor Water play with coloured water, glitter and bubbles
The weather this week has been so mixed but we’ve tried to get out and about as much as possible. So when the rain meant we couldn’t go out as planned a quick rethink was needed. After playing some games and doing some puzzles the rain had eased. I seized… Read more“Outdoor Water play with coloured water, glitter and bubbles”
Project 365 week 15
We’ve had another busy week here. We’ve made the most of the mild weather all be it slightly damp some days but it hasn’t stopped us getting outside and enjoying the last week of the Easter holidays. Sunday saw us at the local wildlife park, we decided to do a… Read more“Project 365 week 15”